Violet, Dowager Countess Grantham is back

 e adivinha-se um duelo de gigantes nesta season. :)

Countess: The groom never sees the bride the night before the wedding.
Martha: Nothing ever alters for you people, does it? Revolutions erupt and monarchies crash to the ground and the groom still cannot see the bride before the wedding.
Countess: You Americans never understand the importance of tradition. 
Martha: Yes, we do. We just don't give it power over us. History and tradition took Europe into a world war.
 in TVShow Downton Abbey S03E01


  1. Eu adorei todas as tiradas da Condessa!! Vi ontem o episódio!

    1. E que achaste da indecisão da Mary, na parte final?
      Porra que mimada. Não percebe.

  2. Deu-me vontade de lhe bater!
