"Directed by Emmy® winner Ryan Murphy and written by Academy Award® nominee Larry Kramer, adapting his groundbreaking Tony Award-winning play of the same name, the drama tells the story of the onset of the HIV-AIDS crisis in New York City in the early 1980s, taking an unflinching look at the nation’s sexual politics as gay activists and their allies in the medical community fight to expose the truth about the burgeoning epidemic to a city and nation in denial.
Ruffalo portrays Ned Weeks, who witnesses first-hand a mysterious disease that has begun to claim the lives of many in his gay community and starts to seek answers.
Matt Bomer plays Felix Turner, a reporter who becomes Ned’s lover.
Taylor Kitsch plays Bruce Niles, a closeted investment banker who becomes a prominent AIDS activist.
Jim Parsons plays gay activist Tommy Boatwright, reprising his role from the 2011 Broadway revival.
Roberts plays physician Dr. Emma Brookner, a survivor of childhood polio who treats several of the earliest victims of HIV-AIDS." (retirado de hbo.com)
Dr. Emma Brookner: Another idiot. And, by the way, a closeted homosexual doing everything in his power to sweep this under the rug. And I vowed I'd never say anything like that in public... How does it always happen that all of the idiots are always on your team? How can you refuse to fund my research? Or not invite me to participate in yours? Your National Institutes of Health received my first request for money two years ago. It took you one year just to print up application forms! It's taking you three years from my first reported case just to show up here for a look. And the paltry amount of money you are forcing us to beg for, out of the FOUR BILLION DOLLARS you now receive each and every year to protect the health of the American people, won't come to anyone before only God knows when. A promising virus has been discovered in France. Why do you refuse to cooperate with the French? Why are we told not to cooperate with the French? Just so you can steal a Nobel Prize? While something is being passed around that causes death! Women have been discovered to have it in Africa, where it is clearly transmitted HETERO-SEXUALLY. It is only a question of time! We could ALL be dead before you do anything! You want my data? You want my ideas? You want my patients? TAKE THEM! JUST DO SOMETHING WITH THEM! You're fucking right! I am imprecise and unfocused and you are all idiots!