
“Tough times don't last, tough people do.”

― Gregory Peck

2013#304 by R, SP
Foto tirada na exposição Audrey Hepburn, 20 anos depois
Fotografias de Bob Willoughby
2013#304, a photo by R, SP on Flickr.


“In the business world, everyone is paid in two coins: cash and experience. Take the experience first; the cash will come later.”
– Harold Geneen

2013#303 by R, SP
2013#303, a photo by R, SP on Flickr.


"As far as I can tell
I'm nothing like a princess
But today I find myself
Curling up behind the house(...)"

- Thirsty by The National

2013#302 by R, SP
2013#302, a photo by R, SP on Flickr.


"For every two minutes of glamour, there are eight hours of hard work." 
- Jessica Savitch

2013#301 by R, SP
2013#301, a photo by R, SP on Flickr.


"Um pedaço de pão comido em paz é melhor do que um banquete comido com ansiedade."

- Esopo

2013#300 by R, SP
2013#300, a photo by R, SP on Flickr.


“If you want to say something and have people listen then you have to wear a mask. If you want to be honest then you have to live a lie.” 

― Banksy

2013#299 by R, SP
2013#299, a photo by R, SP on Flickr.


“A calm night is open to all the truths.” 

― Mehmet Murat ildan

2013#298 by R, SP
2013#298, a photo by R, SP on Flickr.


“We first make our habits, then our habits make us.”

― John Dryden

2013#297 by R, SP
2013#297, a photo by R, SP on Flickr.


“Writing is a lot like making soup. My subconscious cooks the idea, but I have to sit down at the computer to pour it out.”

― Robin Wells

2013#296 by R, SP
2013#296, a photo by R, SP on Flickr.


“I am no poet. I do not love words for the sake of words. I love words for what they can accomplish. Similarly, I am no arithmetician. Numbers that speak only of numbers are of little interest to me.”

― Patrick Rothfuss

2013#295 by R, SP
2013#295, a photo by R, SP on Flickr.


“How did it get so late so soon?”

― Dr. Seuss

2013#294 by R, SP
2013#294, a photo by R, SP on Flickr.


"People would say bad things about you, because it is the only way their insignificant self can feel better than you." 

Dennis E. Adonis

2013#293 by R, SP
2013#293, a photo by R, SP on Flickr.


" If I had to choose a religion, the sun as the universal giver of life would be my god." 

Napoleon Bonaparte

2013#292 by R, SP
2013#292, a photo by R, SP on Flickr.


"Eles dizem...
Eles não te entendem.
De que vale falares com alguém
que não entende a tua língua?
Se lhes disseres que tens fome
eles deixam-te morrer à mingua."

2013#291 by R, SP
2013#291, a photo by R, SP on Flickr.


" No tempo em que Deus criou todas as coisas,
criou o sol,
e o sol nasce, e morre, e volta a nascer;
criou a lua,
e a lua nasce, e morre, e volta a nascer;
criou as estrelas,
e as estrelas nascem, e morrem, e voltam a nascer;
criou o homem,
e o homem nasce, e morre, e não volta a nascer. "

- Herberto Hélder

2013#290 by R, SP
2013#290, a photo by R, SP on Flickr.


“Nobody can hurt me without my permission.”

― Mahatma Gandhi

2013#289 by R, SP
2013#289, a photo by R, SP on Flickr.


“I am a man of fixed and unbending principles, the first of which is to be flexible at all times.” 

- Everett Dirksen

2013#288 by R, SP
2013#288, a photo by R, SP on Flickr.


“There is nothing new except what has been forgotten.” 

― Marie Antoinette

2013#287 by R, SP
2013#287, a photo by R, SP on Flickr.


"(...)A música começava e parava e recomeçava e voltava a deter-se, e, no entanto, desde a primeira à última nota, a peça continuava a avançar, a acercar-se de uma resolução que nunca vinha. Seriam essas as misteriosas barricadas? (...)"

in pág. 176 do livro Música do Acaso de Paul Auster

2013#286 by R, SP
2013#286, a photo by R, SP on Flickr.


" To put the world right in order, we must first put the nation in order; to put the nation in order, we must first put the family in order; to put the family in order, we must first cultivate our personal life; we must first set our hearts right."

– Confucius

2013#285 by R, SP
2013#285, a photo by R, SP on Flickr.


- Pelo menos continuas vivo.
- Pois, se calhar até tive sorte. É que estando vivo, sempre tenho hipóteses de ver quantas mais coisas estúpidas me vão acontecer. (...)"

in pág. 25 do livro Música do Acaso de Paul Auster

2013#284 by R, SP
2013#284, a photo by R, SP on Flickr.

Séries: Do piloto de Once Upon a Time in Wonderland

Tinha tantas expectativas... 
Caíram todas pelo buraco abaixo.

imagem retirada daqui.


"Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art... It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things that give value to survival."
- C S Lewis

2013#283 by R, SP
2013#283, a photo by R, SP on Flickr.


"You can't take a picture of this. It's already gone"

2013#282 by R, SP
2013#282, a photo by R, SP on Flickr.


"Fitness if like the blade of a knife; you want to sharpen it without ruining the blade."

-Sally Jenkins

2013#281 by R, SP
2013#281, a photo by R, SP on Flickr.


"Eat Well
Move Daily
Hydrate Often
Sleep Lots
Love Your Body
Reapeat for Life"

2013#280 by R, SP
2013#280, a photo by R, SP on Flickr.


"Já passei horas na frente do espelho tentando descobrir quem sou, já tive tanta certeza de mim, ao ponto de querer sumir."
- Clarice Lispector

2013#279 by R, SP
2013#279, a photo by R, SP on Flickr.


" A little happy house is the strongest castle in this whole universe!”

― Mehmet Murat ildan

2013#278 by R, SP
2013#278, a photo by R, SP on Flickr.


"Life is a journey. Time is a river. The door is ajar” 

― Jim Butcher

2013#277 by R, SP
2013#277, a photo by R, SP on Flickr.


“Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work.”
― Aristotle

2013#276 by R, SP
2013#276, a photo by R, SP on Flickr.


“When a man cannot chose, he ceases to be a man”
― Anthony Burgess

2013#275 by R, SP
2013#275, a photo by R, SP on Flickr.

Music is Love in search of a word #56

The Head and the Heart - Another Story


"O destino costuma estar ao virar da esquina. Como se fosse um gatuno, uma rameira ou um vendedor de lotaria: as suas três encarnações mais batidas. Mas o que não faz é visitas ao domicílio. É preciso ir atrás dele."

in A Sombra do Vento de Carlos Ruiz Zafón

2013#274 by R, SP
2013#274, a photo by R, SP on Flickr.